I haven’t met anyone perfect yet. There are few people who want me to believe they have it all figured out, but I’m not buying it. Some struggles are easier to hide, others play out in the public eye, and some are devastating. But part of the human condition means that we are fallen creatures and that we often sweat the small things, wrestle with big questions, doubt was supposed to be certain. Some refer to these struggles as baggage. I don’t agree. Baggage is something you choose to carry around. Our struggles are too often tied in to the very core of who we are, to the human condition.
As a Christian, I find myself wanting to judge people whose battle is different than mine more harshly and empathize with those whose struggles mirror my own.
That’s very hypocritical.
Today as I run into hurting people whose struggles are so different than mine that I can’t relate to, I’m committed not to judge them. I’m going to try to love them. While judging comes naturally for me, loving takes a lot more effort. That means showing,
I believe this will be harder than I expect, but I must start sometime. Today feels like the right day.